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Joomla Community Site development (ID:1134)

Project Creator: anycorp
FC Member For 6779 Days
Credits 20
Completed Proj. Num. 0 / 1
Total payment USD
Avg Daily Online
0.00 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype No
Last Login 8/31/2006
Peers Rating 0.00%
Budget: 500 - 1000
Created: 8/4/2006 1:12:38 AM EST
Bidding Ends: 8/18/2006 1:12:38 AM EST
( Expired )
Development Cycle: 30 Days
Bid Count: 8
Average Bid: 608.50  
Project Description:

I would like to build a Joomla community web site for Happy Valley in Hong Kong. It will be very similar to and with Community Builder, Noah's classifieds (or marketplace), biz directory (sobi), Joomlaboard forum, ExtCal event Calender, etc.

In addition to the modules/components in, i need:

- a wiki component (Mambo Wiki)
- Joom!Fish for translation as users will have the option in Traditonal AND Simplified Chinese for the site (Don’t worry about the Chinese language bit for now but do install all the necessary components and language packs)
- and a live restaurant booking component by customizing maybe jombok together with maybe JIM/UddeIM (please see additional detail below).

Most of the work above is simply installing the open source free components and template design to present all the components nicely except the restaurant booking bit which requires programming in modifying some components.

Please give me examples of Joomla sites you’ve built and details on any components you’ve modified or enhanced.

Restaurant Booking (please see attached),

Newly added descriptions:
Please specify your Joomla/Mambo experience.

Please include some url link for project done in Jomla/Mambo

Job Type PHP 
Attached Files: 20068411159.doc

Bids placed

(There are 8 bids on this project, these are listed below)
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