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Chinese Music Video Code Site (ID:1516)

Project Creator: eVision
FC Member For 6691 Days
Credits 20
Completed Proj. Num. 0 / 1
Total payment USD
Avg Daily Online
0.00 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype No
Last Login 11/4/2006
Peers Rating 0.00%
Budget: Not Sure/Confidential
Created: 10/31/2006 1:01:54 PM EST
Bidding Ends: 11/10/2006 1:01:54 PM EST
( Expired )
Development Cycle: 20 Days
Bid Count: 4
Average Bid: 395.00  
Project Description:


I am looking for a music video code site.
www [dot]videocodezone [dot]com


But what i need is a site equivlant but it must crawl for chinese music video's hosted on other sites rather than english. I've seen script sold on digital point sitepoint and dnforum who sell them for around 100-150.

The website should be able to crawl from at least 2-4 sources for new music videos.

This process should be all automated.

IT would be a bonusif the script is able to determine broken links if not please suggest something which would work aswell.

The CMS should be easy for me to manage everthing of the website
from advertisment banner position need around 5 positions for advertising banners 2 x 728x90 1 x 160/120 x 600 2 x (either 336x280 300x250 or 250x250)
Alphabetically Sorted
Auto-Updating Hash Code (Hourly or whenever i set it to)
Can add or remove songs manually

A rating system where they can rank there favourite songs, AJAX would be good to make the star rating(do not need to fresh page in order to vote)

Also determine the number of views each music video is viewed.

The front page would also be able to rank either

NEWEST video added.

HIGHEST rated video

MOST viewed video

A membership function

Vistors can sign up

able to pick up to 10 or 20 or 30 codes to store. sort of like a quick list where they can refer to for later use.

P.S coding should be clean and files should be kept to lowest limit so i would be able to build on it if needed.

Job Type Java, PHP, Javascript 
Attached Files: N/A

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