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amount increases very fast. - Price Comparison Web Site (ID:1753)

Project Creator: chrisb
FC Member For 6626 Days
Credits 20
Completed Proj. Num. 0 / 7
Total payment USD
Avg Daily Online
0.00 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype No
Last Login 7/22/2007
Peers Rating 0.00%
Budget: Not Sure/Confidential
Created: 1/7/2007 5:18:44 PM EST
Bidding Ends: 1/10/2007 5:18:44 PM EST
( Expired )
Development Cycle: 10 Days
Bid Count: 6
Average Bid: 1,216.67  
Project Description:

Here is a description for a project I would like you to do for me. Below are full details of the project and what I require from you before we begin this project... is a price comparison service for the Massively Multiplayer Online Gaming Industry (games such as World of Warcraft, Everquest, Lineage II, Final Fantasy XI etc). Users will enter the site, select their game and server and click "Compare". They will then be presented with a comparison of all the prices of gaming currency as provided by a variety of online companies. The results will be listed from lowest price to highest price. I must be able to input the prices for all servers of all games for each company through a control panel. These prices should be updated live on the web site as soon as I edit them through the control panel. In addition, I should be able to edit the image shown for each company and the URL the user is taken to when clicking on the company logo or the "Go" link.

Within the search results shall be the User Rating. Each user will have the ability to "Rate" each company by selecting a rating from 1-10. This will then be recorded and added to the rating shown in the search results.

In the "Contact Us" section is a contact form where users can enter their name, e-mail and message. This message should be sent via e-mail to me so I may respond to the e-mail provided.

In addition, the web site will support third party advertising banners at the top of the page (468x60 pixels). I should be able to edit the content of this advertising area to accomodate different banner ads. This will be updated in future to add advertising banner software to track results and allow for banners to alternated each time the page is refreshed (your help may be required in integrating this software).

The web site will be located at on my own web hosting which I shall purchase once the web site has been developed.

Updates to the site will be made after the site is launched to allow for integration of affiliate software, search engine optimisation and other additions.

I have attached the jpegs for the main pages of the web site and would like the web site to be developed to look exactly like this, down to the finest details.

Please can you quote me a price (in $) and a project time (in days) to develop this web site and make it ready to go live on the internet. Please could you also tell me exactly how you will make this site, specifying the different programming languages used and why you will do what you're doing. Finally, I would also like to see previous examples of your work (preferably examples similar to this project).

If hired as web developer for this web site, we will have an ongoing relationship and I will require you to make updates to this web site every couple of months - for each update, you will receive additional payment.

Please provide me with the requested information soon so we may begin the project as soon as possible.

Job Type .NET, PHP, ASP 
Attached Files: 20070107171823.rar

Bids placed

(There are 6 bids on this project, these are listed below)
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