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Multi-media website development (ID:1826)

Project Creator: tedhan
FC Member For 6601 Days
Credits 20
Completed Proj. Num. 0 / 2
Total payment USD
Avg Daily Online
0.00 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype No
Last Login 5/30/2007
Peers Rating 0.00%
Budget: More than 2500
Created: 1/29/2007 10:55:37 PM EST
Bidding Ends: 3/20/2007 10:55:37 PM EST
( Expired )
Development Cycle: 60 Days
Bid Count: 9
Average Bid: 2,166.78  
Project Description:

We need to contract software developers to design and develop a media production website.

1.¡¡¡¡Time of completion: The website will be opened in the Chinese New Year, 2007.
2.¡¡¡¡Content: This website is a sister site of, and has similar contents: photos, video clips and online store.
3.¡¡¡¡Skills required: Linux, Apache, php, mysql, Javascript, Java Applet, client-server, Flash, AJAX, svn (version control). Must be expert level on these technologies. If you only have a few skills, that is OK. Just pick modules that use your skills.
4.¡¡¡¡Coding style: Must be highly modular, with minimum code redundancy, documentation in the codes should be very clear; upon completion, a project report should summarize the architecture of the module.
5.¡¡¡¡Browser compatibility: should be compatible with IE 7 and Firefox 2.
6.¡¡¡¡All user-viewable texts are stored in string library.

This project is made of modules. The implementation should be highly modular. The developers is paid upon successful completion of individual modules. Please select the module that you are interested in to work on. You can select any module you are interested in, based on your skills:

1.¡¡¡¡HTML layout module.
This module is used for presenting the front end user interface. Flash rendering is used. In the Flash movie, a building has many rooms. In each room, some photos and online videos are available. The user has a key. The user can enter the room with the correct key.

This module is composed of: interactive Flash movies; AJAX talking to the Flash movie; general HTML layouts, graphics

Price: 6,000 yuan (RMB)

2.¡¡¡¡User input module
This module is used for processing user inputs _GET and _POST. Template html forms are pulled out to present those forms. The user inputs are stored in mysql database. The mysql modules should be secure from SQL Injection attacks. These forms include user registration, login, profile management, account viewer, store shopping cart user inputs.

Price: 3,000 yuan (RMB)

3.¡¡¡¡Image viewer module
This module is 80% done. Needs more work to complete it. Each jpeg photo is encoded by php on the server side, and sent to Java Applet. Java Applet decodes the byte stream and displays the JPEG image. Customers are not allowed to print screen, and the event should be reported to the server and saved in the database.

Price: 2,000 yuan (RMB)

4.¡¡¡¡Video viewer module
A video stream server is to be set up on the Linux machine. The server should have the capability of identifying each user and authorizing the access.
Price: 3,000 yuan RMB

5.¡¡¡¡Payment module and should be integrated, with automatic processing of user’s payments.
Price: 1,500 yuan RMB

6.¡¡¡¡Index module
The photos and video clips are indexed within mysql database. It has two parts: (A) The administrator loads the text index into the database; (B) Select from the database and present the index into web pages.
Price: 1,500 yuan RMB

7.¡¡¡¡Store module
A database-driven online store can present the products, organize the shopping cart, and process the payment. The catalog is written locally in text format. The online store should read the text file and insert records in the database.

Price: 3,000 yuan RMB

8.¡¡¡¡Security module
The security module should use IP, cookies, sessions, and database logs to identify these security violations: DoS attack, one key used by multiple customers, print screen violation, consecutive payment failures. These violations should be recorded in a mysql table, and an email sent to administrator.
Price: 1,500 yuan RMB

9.¡¡¡¡Backend administration module
This module is used by administrators. It regulates roles and administrators. Each administrator can be assigned different roles, including user account read, user account update, income report, sales person role, store catalog management, store order management.
Price: 4,000 yuan RMB

Apache mod_rewrite is used for changing dynamic URL to static URL.
Price: 500 yuan

11.¡¡¡¡Multiple language support:
/en/ directory has English contents, and /ch/ directory has Chinese contents. A text processing tool replaces the text in each php and html file and deploy them in a specific language. So, the result of php and html texts are static language files.

The database contains string_id. The string_id is translated to text dynamically when pulling data from the database.

Price: 1,000 yuan RMB (Payment for translation is additional)

A third party BBS is to be installed and configured. This BBS system should have the capability of adding and deducting user’s points.

Price: 1,000 yuan RMB

Job Type Java, PHP, Flash, Javascript 
Attached Files: N/A

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