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Support Ticket Software (ID:2088)

Project Creator: application12
FC Member For 6552 Days
Credits 20
Completed Proj. Num. 0 / 1
Total payment USD
Avg Daily Online
0.00 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype No
Last Login 3/25/2007
Peers Rating 0.00%
Budget: Less than 250
Created: 3/20/2007 4:08:40 PM EST
Bidding Ends: 3/25/2007 4:08:40 PM EST
( Expired )
Development Cycle: 10 Days
Bid Count: 4
Average Bid: 337.50  
Project Description:

This is a simple program that will act as a ?hub? for all incoming and
outgoing support requests. It will have a web-based interface but it
will not rely on the web-based interface to function ? all support
requests and replies will be based on e-mail.

This program should be ?widgetized? or be able to be easily plugged into
any script by using a config.php file to list all options / constants.

Your program will be plugged into a larger program. The larger program
already has a database, authentication, and css files. I will provide
you with a complete copy of this program, test data, and of course
provide assistance if required.

Please keep in mind that e-mail is central to this program. Regular
users and support users should have the option to login to the web-based
system, but they should never be required to login.

A regular user creates new tickets, receives replies to those tickets,
and (using the web based system) can view a history of their tickets.

When a regular user clicks on the support tab, they should be presented
with a table of their open tickets and an option to create a new ticket.

Table of open tickets:
This table should display: The subject of the ticket, the last time that
the ticket was updated, and which support person the ticket is assigned
to. When the user clicks anywhere in a detail row, they should be shown
the full ticket including a list of the original support request and all
replies listed in order of date.

Option to create a new ticket:
This is a simple form that allows a user to submit a new trouble ticket.
It is simple, because it will only really be an e-mail contact form that
on action, sends the ticket as an e-mail to the general support e-mail

A support user receives tickets, replies to those tickets, (using the
web based system) view a history of all tickets, and (using the web
based system) create a new ticket as any user registered in the
personal_contacts table.

When a support user clicks on the support tab, they should be presented
with a table of all open tickets and an option to create a new ticket.

Table of all open tickets:
This table should display: The ticket priority, the subject of the
ticket, the last time that the ticket was updated, and which support
person the ticket is assigned to. When the support person clicks
anywhere in a detail row, they should be shown the full ticket including
a list of the original support request and all replies listed in order
of date. The support person should be presented with options to close
the ticket and adjust the priority.

Option to create a new ticket:
This is a simple form that allows a support user to submit a new trouble
ticket. It is simple because it will only really be an e-mail contact
form that on action, sends the new ticket as an e-mail to the general
support e-mail address. The difference between a regular user submitting
a ticket using the web based interface and a support user submitting the
ticket is that a support user can set the from field to any user
registered in the personal_contacts table. Note: I will provide you with
the ajax class to search / autofill the from field.

When an e-mail address is not found in the personal_contacts table, the
user should be sent an e-mail asking them to register with a URL to the
public registration page.

New tickets will be sent to a generic support e-mail address defined in
config.php. When a new message is received, the data is automatically
(via a script ran by cron) inserted into the database table. Attachments
should be inserted / saved and handled with simplicity.

Support users will configure their e-mail clients (such as outlook) to
retrieve new messages but leave them on the server.

OPTIONALLY defined in config.php, support users should NOT be sent the
full ticket but rather a single e-mail requesting that they login to the
system to view the ticket.

When a support user replies to a ticket via e-mail:

  * The response from the support user should be recorded in the
   database to form a complete linear list of all communication.
  * The support user who responded should be marked as the support
   person who is assigned to the ticket.
  * With the string ?*Ticket Closed*? then the ticket will be marked
   closed in the database.

Job Type PHP 
Attached Files: N/A

Bids placed

(There are 4 bids on this project, these are listed below)
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