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Website details (ID:2134)

Project Creator: cednet
FC Member For 6543 Days
Credits 20
Completed Proj. Num. 0 / 1
Total payment USD
Avg Daily Online
0.00 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype No
Last Login 4/11/2007
Peers Rating 0.00%
Budget: 500 - 1000
Created: 3/28/2007 8:55:16 AM EST
Bidding Ends: 4/2/2007 8:55:16 AM EST
( Expired )
Development Cycle: 20 Days
Bid Count: 6
Average Bid: 566.67  
Project Description:

We need the script write in php or python (or faster language) and use mysql.

This script take in input a list of feed and url from a simple mysql table

For each get all the following value
- Number of index pages in Google, Yahoo, live, Google Blog search
- Number of backlink from Google, Yahoo, live, Google Blog search
- Google Pagerank
- Technorati popularity
- If available FeedBurner subscriber
- Number of bookmarks
- Rank and trafic by Alexa

Save all this value in a mysql table

Compute a global value, mix of all this value to get a representative idea of the visibility/audience of the website.

Few remarks:
- You have to handle correctly website host on a subdomain. For example, many blogs are host a common domain name (blogspot). You have to get specific value from that blog and not all blogs host
- You have to handle correctly website host on sub-path URL. Exemple :
- For some kind of websites, some data won't be available, you have to handle this correctly.
- You have to use the api of all this service to be conform to their tos.
- If something is going wrong (one of the api down, api quota reach…), the script have to send an email

Job Type PHP, Python 
Attached Files: N/A

Bids placed

(There are 6 bids on this project, these are listed below)
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