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Database with web back end for small school (ID:2549)

Project Creator: tragic.addict
FC Member For 6420 Days
Credits 120
Completed Proj. Num. 5 / 5
Total payment USD 524.00
Avg Daily Online
0.01 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype No
Last Login 9/30/2007
Peers Rating 100.00%
Budget: Less than 250
Created: 6/16/2007 10:36:11 PM EST
Bidding Ends: 6/26/2007 10:36:11 PM EST
( Expired )
Development Cycle: 21 Days
Bid Count: 16
Average Bid: 174.69  
Project Description:

This project is for the building of a database system that will be used by a small school.

The database systems needs a back end. The database will have student information listed, as well as invoice information for that student. I will provide all data fields that need to be included in the database.

The back end needs to have a simple login system (there only needs to be one or two users, though a system where i can login and add or delete users who can access the back end would be nice).

The back end must have a page listing all students by name. Clicking a student's name from that list should bring up that student's information. There should be options to print invoice, or modify the student's information (I will provide a word document for you to see how the invoice should be printed)
There should also be functionality to export the main student list to an excel file for printing.

I would also like a section of the back end to keep mailing lists, available for export to .csv for easy import into microsoft outlook or other mail access client.

As I said, I will provide all information for fields that need to be included in the database, the main work here is just structuring it properly and building the back end, which should be very simple.

I will discuss the details further with bidders, and will provide some images to show how i want things to be listed and the excel files currently used to show how it should look when exported from the database.

More work will likely be done on this in the future, moving in more directions for using the web to make their jobs at the school much easier and more efficient.

Back end should be in PHP, database MySQL. I have some experience in these myself, so should be able to answer questions.

Winning bidder will need to be someone who will include some notes on how the back end is coded when they finish, so that I can make minor modifications easily if I need to.

Thank you for your time!

Take care!

Job Type PHP 
Attached Files: N/A

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