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URGENT: Website Log In Accounts (ID:2786)

Project Creator: thequadgroup
FC Member For 6430 Days
Credits 20
Completed Proj. Num. 3 / 7
Total payment USD 1,925.00
Avg Daily Online
0.02 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype Yes
Last Login 8/6/2016
Peers Rating 0.00%
Budget: Not Sure/Confidential
Created: 8/2/2007 2:48:09 AM EST
Bidding Ends: 8/5/2007 2:48:09 AM EST
( Expired )
Development Cycle: 5 Days
Bid Count: 8
Average Bid: 577.38  
Project Description:

We want to make log in accounts for the staff. We want to have a log in admin area online so the staff can change or add thier details and show when they are online on the website and take private telephone calls. (The business is for premium rate phone calls) At the moment there is 50 staff, but we want to be (administrator) able to automatically add and delete accounts when we like.

This includes:
Change thier name, address, tel, email, username, password, upload photo, description. Also, we need a time schdule planner that we need to build in to thier account. This will show the PUBLIC USER on the website (front end) when they are available so they can contact them by the premium rate phone line. The staff work through the day and night on telephones and we need to show on the website the times they are avavilable. This is what the time scheduler is for. Once they enter the times this will show on the staff member page on the front end of the website.

Also, we need to show that when the staff member log in they are online. Under thier photo on the front end of the website we will show a small green light for online. When they are busy on the phone with a client they will have a small orange light. When they are offline they will have a small red light. When they are busy on the phone, you will need a small bit of code from the telephone company which I will supply.

We also need to record all the login and logout times of each staff member on a time log. Each person can access thier own time log in thier account.

On the front end of the website there is a email form. At the moment the form gets send to an email address and DB. We would also like the email to get sent to the administrator account and some of the staff members. I would also like to set up something where we can tick a check box next to each staff member name in the administraor account so that some of the people will get copies of the email, but the form email will only have a some of the information that was submitted, for example, it wont have the email address of the client displayed. For example, if we select the check box on some of the staff members and say 5 emails are submitted, one will go to the first selected staff member, then the next selected member and so on, so that they have equal amounts of emails, also we need to keep a check of how many emails they get and that they reply to each email, so a counter of how many emails they get and a counter of how many they reply to. They must NOT see the senders email address, but when they reply it goes direct to the client. The emails must be done from thier staff member account and will be sent from our domain.

The administrator will see all the accounts at the same time in his account. He will see all time logs, time planners and list of all accounts/staff members. He will see number of email in and number of email out. He will be able to delete/make new accounts, suspend etc.

The main staff display page with all of them on will have small icons showing them red, green or orange.

An example of this is here

I will supply all the html pages for you, including all the images etc.

This project is urgent so promp reply would be appriciatated!



Job Type PHP 
Attached Files: N/A

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