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java programming (ID:3185)

Project Creator: complete7199
FC Member For 6528 Days
Credits 20
Completed Proj. Num. 0 / 4
Total payment USD
Avg Daily Online
0.00 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype No
Last Login 10/12/2007
Peers Rating 0.00%
Budget: 250 - 500
Created: 10/3/2007 10:06:23 AM EST
Bidding Ends: 10/15/2007 10:06:23 AM EST
( Expired )
Development Cycle: 21 Days
Bid Count: 14
Average Bid: 530.36  
Project Description:

Waiting to hear back from everyone. If you are interested then contact us direct. Software is JSP based. Here is additional information for the work project at hand.

-Ability to translate the system in different languages. Having a language file so if someone wants English, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, etc. English would be the default language and they would only need to do this if they wanted a different language. They would have the ability to choose any language of choice during the installation process for a default other then English. At login screen there should be a pull down menu so anyone there can select a language other then what the default language is and then all screens will be in that language. You should have 1 main file for the whole software interface for all our software applications and have the main languages included. If a specific language is not included they should be able to translate the file in to their language and upload it so their language of choice shows.

- add in additional ad codes for easier and efficient ad capabilities for blogs, pda's, including wap functionality to deliver ads to phones (mobiles) and dynamic sites. Meaning, the system has an ad code generator which supplies the code for the sites, etc and that code delivers the ads. Currently just iframe code is used.
We want to be well rounded and compete with Mobile phones, WAP, Asp, Rss,PHP, XML features so that people on cell phones can get ads, games that are downloaded can be wrapped so ads can be served and any dynamic sites can also be served to. The ad code generator should have the options (pull down) for each and labeled wap, blogs, dynamic, etc. So that the ad codes will work with the specific criteria of the users website without having to guess.

Along the way if you come across any pre existing problems we would need you to fix them in the source code/software and update. We would provide you with the 4 software applications and source codes so you can check out, cross check and install and run on your server. We would expect you to use them and learn how each works so your understanding is very clear for future work features to be added. Work would be done on your server so we can check progress. Once done our demos on our server would be updated with new versions. We do by the project so this would be the small project at first to see how your company can handle. As work is completed we will need the updated software files and source codes as they come out on an ongoing basis so we can distribute to clients. Once totally complete payment will be made to you. Then we will provide you with a new project if you would like to continue. Looking for a long term partner. Hope you are experienced and have the same vision.

Separately we may need time to time to pay you additional to provide customer installations and also customer specific programming. We will need to know that you can handle this as long as we give you advanced notice.

Job Type Java, JSP 
Attached Files: N/A

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