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Tracking system for sale (ID:3716)

Project Creator: markdense
FC Member For 6325 Days
Credits 20
Completed Proj. Num. 0 / 5
Total payment USD
Avg Daily Online
0.01 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype Yes
Last Login 2/7/2008
Peers Rating 0.00%
Budget: More than 2500
Created: 1/9/2008 2:40:57 AM EST
Bidding Ends: 2/8/2008 2:40:57 AM EST
( Expired )
Development Cycle: 2 Days
Bid Count: 5
Average Bid: 5,200.00  
Project Description:

Everything is in running condition....If someone is interested in buying this system please contact me.

Problem statement:

Monitoring the vehicle i.e. their position, velocity & heading any time any where in the World. The solution is to provide satellite tracking system.

Project needs:

The satellite tracking system is required in order to achieve the monitoring, reliable navigation, precise positioning & velocity.

Project scope:

The Vehicle Tracking System will capture data from a GPS receiver via RS-232 interface on serial DB-9 connector. The raw data is then filtered, processed and uploaded to a web server. The server will then generate tracking, positional results and current status of the vehicle. The final presentable form is shown visually. The driver is warned if he/she enters a restricted place or if the speed is above speed limit. The driver and administrator of the system can chat with each other. Owner can notice that car is stopped if speed reaches zero for specific time.

objective of the project:

??hee system that allows the user to monitor their vehicle any time and any where in the world.
??econd goal is the reliable navigation to the vehicle which includes visual maps.
??o provide precise positioning of vehicle to the monitoring station.
??ther objective is the higher level of accuracy.
??o provide all services at lowest cost and overall consumer satisfaction

When tracking system is online
??irstly the hardware equipment will be deployed in the vehicle and switched on.
??he user will go to web and enters ??ehicle id??nd ??assword??or authentication
??hen user can select the map and can see the precise location of car on map.
??eliability goal is achieved even if the internet service is down, system will send SMS on GSM network, even if GSM Network is out of coverage the data will be buffered in the PC and immediately send back when GSM Network is in reach.
??he system will provide accurate result after processing.
??onsumer satisfaction is achieved because the accuracy is good, no licensing is required and system will cost one time equipment charges. Usage charges are very low i.e. only SMS and using GPRS service charges.

Note: The SPS accuracy is intentionally degraded by the DOD by the use of Selective Availability. Subject to accuracy degradation to 100m under the U.S. DOD Selective Availability program.

Expected outcomes & deliverables of the project:

The expected outcome of project is the product its self i.e. the vehicle tracking system.
The deliverables are:

??he Product includes:
1. GPS Agent
2. Deployed Website
3. Hardware
I. Laptop PC
II. GPS Receiver with data cable
III. Web Server

??he full report of the project which includes:
1. Vision Document
2. Business Modeling
3. SRS
4. Expanded Use Cases
5. Test Cases
6. Architecture Diagram
7. Detailed Design
? Sequence Diagram
? Collaboration Diagram
? Class Diagram
? ERD Diagram
8. Test Log
9. Project Report

Project Resources and Constraints:

The recourses of vehicle tracking system are:
1. People: Project initiator and Client.
2. Equipment:
??€?PS Receivers??ith RS-232 interface supporting for NMEA 0183 and complying with Part 15 of the FCC interference limits for Class B digital devices.
??PRS Modem that fulfill requirements of Class B and Type 1
??AP 2.0 & SAR Compliant GSM Mobile Phone running on Symbian Series 60 OS and is Internet Enabled.
??BM/IBM Compatible Laptop running at min of 1.4 GHz with external power supply and with 1 free ??S-232 serial DB9??nd ??SB 2.0??nterface.
3. Facilities:
??PRS service from min of 2.5G mobile phone operator/carrier
??ny internet facility for monitoring station.
??eb hosting facility
??PS service ( free of cost )
4. Funding:
?? very basic GPS receiver without internal memory & base map cost from RS 10,000 to RS 18,000.
?? 2.5 Generation GSM cellular phone with ??lass 10??PRS built-in modem cost from RS 8,000 to RS 25,000. This equipment will not be provided.
??ther funds are required for the phase-2 at implementation these include:
1. IBM/IBM Compatible Laptop running at 1.4 GHz. This will be provided and cost between RS 20,000 to RS 30,000.
2. For testing, a vehicle will be required.
The constraints of vehicle tracking system are:

In Pakistan there are four carrier/operators of GSM network who provide GPRS service but there is no UMTS network. This system demands high data rate from the GSM/UMTS network and powerful GPS signals. The consistency and reliability of service is necessary for performance. For high performance the C2I ratio of GSM signal of is demanded to be between 15 to 20.

Methodology and tools for attaining project goals:

??S Project
??acromedia Dream weaver MX
??icrosoft Visual Basic 6.0
??icrosoft Visual C++ 6.0
??S-Access / My SQL.
??HP Coder
??rc View and Geo Media
??yper Terminal
??S Word
??S PowerPoint
??dobe Acrobat Reader
??nterprise Architect
??dobe Photoshop
??SIS if required
??xpert GPS

??C Personal Computer
??MS Short Message Service
??OD Department of Defense
??AR Surface Absorption Level
??AP Wireless Access Protocol
??PS Global Positioning System
??2I Carrier 2 Interference Ratio
??PS Standard Positioning System
??PRS General Packet Radio Service
??SB 2.0 Universal Serial Bus 2.0 Compliant
??MEA National Marine Electronics Association
??SM Global System for Mobile Communication
??MTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
??S-232 Recommended Sandard-232 (standard for serial communication)

Newly added descriptions:
Please read what is written...Everything is in running condition....If someone is interested in buying this system please contact me......I want to sell this system not asking i want to develop it....For all blinds who are there just to write amount without reading what is written.

Job Type C/C++, Java, PHP, Javascript 
Attached Files: N/A

Bids placed

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