Web Site Maitenance (ID:3779)
Project Creator: |
FC Member For 6247 Days
Credits 20 Completed Proj. Num. 0 / 1 Total payment USD Avg Daily Online 0.00 h (From 21/5/2007) Available on MSN/Skype No Last Login 1/22/2008 Peers Rating 0.00% ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Budget: | 250 - 500 |
Created: | 1/19/2008 1:51:07 PM EST |
Bidding Ends: | 2/28/2008 1:51:07 PM EST ( Expired ) |
Development Cycle: | 10 Days |
Bid Count: | 3
Average Bid: | 433.33 |
Project Description:
We are looking for an company to do web mainteance on our sites that are primarly flash. We are a web dev company located in the USA. All of the sites are completed, and any code that is described below has either been purchased and has to be integrated, or a template that was purchased that must be adjusted. You must know ActionScripting and XML very well, as well as some understanding of ColdFusion. The work will begin immediately: KASS MEDIA GROUP www.kassmediagroup.com We are creating a splash template that will guide people to all the websites and this will be located at kassmediagroup.com. The site that is currently at Kassmediagroup.com will be relocated to a folder called ??orporate??and the link will be www.corporate.kassmediagroup.com. use template that has been purchased called mechanical and do the following On the left hand side will be the logo for Kass Media Group with words under saying press here to enter the Kass Media Group International Corporate site. Under those words you will have flags for English, Spanish, French, and German sites and each site will say Kass Media Group Mexico, Kass Media Group France, Kass Media Group Germany, and Kass Media Group UK. On click it will go to the following: for UK: www.kassmediagroup.co.uk for Germany: www.kassmediagroup.gr for France: www.kassmediagroup.fr for Mexico www.kassmediagroup.mx * On the right hand side we want thumbnail pictures of all of the sites which include www.kasspublishinggroup.com www.kasspublishinggroup.co.uk www.kassrecordgroup.com www.joelkassliterary.com www.joelkassmusic.com www.joelkass.net www.allegrocommunications.com Replace the buttons at the bottom with flashden_news-xml_4209.zip. Make sure the colors are co-oridnated and the application is centered. At the top of the page should be the words Kass Media Group International Portal KASS MEDIA GROUP/CORPORATE Currently located at www.kassmediagroup.com and you can get the source code from the Kass Media Group folder It has intro music along with music that can be played, so we need the bug fix so that when music is played it does not stop the onload music. you will add a script for the date and time which should be near the top of the page Under press releases, you will change the output from an xml file to a .cfm file called press.cfm. This page will be outputting database information. Use the code for including html text and links on the Kass publishing group website so that links are viewable. So that the database drill down links in flash. We are sending some example code if needed. under the page, products, copy and paste the onload.swf for the TV set into the left side of the screen. It should only load when the tab ??roducts??is clicked. And above the TV set have the words: Current Work. KASS PUBLISHING GROUP Add the xml newsfeed to the bottom The TV has to be resized as the controls are too small. We are uploading a sample called ??ample??in a folder called ??ideo??that you can use to adjust the parameters. Add the effect starburst behind the Kass Publishing logo and have that as a .swf onload as well. Add the flash code provided for date and time to the top left under logo at the bottom of page center the 6 tabs and below that, add the xml newsfeed .Make sure the colors are co-oridnated and the application is centered. we will be passing session variables from a cold fusion page to flash once the individual logs in to the system. This is an application that is being worked on in house. The session variables in cold fusion will be the following for your test and will outputted to flash on the page called Trax and you can place the following test variables on the login page: <cfset session.uid = john32 > <cfset session.fname= john > <cfset session.lname =doe > <cfset session.login = 1 > If the session is set to 1, the person has logged in. You will have it output the following below the TV set: Welcome FName Lname to the Kass Publishing Web Database. Also, you will load the favorites option and the mp3 player that was previously on the front page with the favorites code will not be active. You can have that mp3 player load and have it say ??y Favorites??as an .swf. If the person is not logged in to the system if they attempt to download an mp3 it will say in flash: ??ou are not logged in. Please press this link to register.??The link will take them to the page called licensing/sign_up. This has to be set to a blank coldfusion page with a submit button that will go to action.cfm for the time being, just make sure the person can click the submit button within flash. KASS RECORD GROUP Add the news xml application to the bottom of the page right above where it says ??ass Record Group?? Make sure the colors are co-oridnated and the application is centered. Add the Sparkburst3325.zip that we had previously on the Kass publishing group to this site. Put it at the top of the file and have it as an onload .swf. JOEL KASS.NET Add flashden_news-xml_4209.zip to the bottom. Make sure the colors are co-oridnated and the application is centered. Add text below recent news: press here to view recent concert footage of Joel Kass. On that page upload the TV set. At top of the page call it Recent Concert Footage by Joel Kass. At the bottom, add a new node in the xml document so that we can add text on our end. Place two buttons on the page: 1. A picture of a CD or record with the words: press to purchase music by joel kass here with the link: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/102-3944913-5087313?url=search-alias%3Dpopular&field-keywords=joell+kass&x=13&y=20 2. A picture of the Itunes logo and with the words: press to purchase Itunes music by joel kass here http://www.apple.com/itunes/ For the placement of the above, you can put them anywhere it looks nice on the page. JOELKASSMUSIC Add flashden_news-xml_4209.zip to the bottom. Make sure the colors are co-oridnated and the application is centered. Add text below recent news: press here to view recent concert footage of Joel Kass. On that new page it goes to, delete everything except for the basic tempalate and upload the TV set. At top of the page call it Recent Concert Footage by Joel Kass. At the bottom, add a new node in the xml document so that we can add text on our end. 3. A picture of a CD or record with the words: press to purchase music by joel kass here with the link http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/102-3944913-5087313?url=search-alias%3Dpopular&field-keywords=joell+kass&x=13&y=20 4. A picture of the Itunes logo and with the words: press to purchase Itunes music by joel kass here http://www.apple.com/itunes/ For the placement of the above, you can put them anywhere it looks nice on the page. JOELKASS LITERARY The book is mislabled and was never changed and has to be changed to ??he Nightmere?? 1. add a button that looks like a book with the words, but books by joel kass here and the link should go to http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/102-3944913-5087313?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=joell+kass&x=20&y=21 CONTACT US LINKS Joelkass.net, joelkassmusic.com, joelkassliterary and kassrecordgroup.com: for the contact-us pages, it needs to submit to a page called form.cfm. If the variable reports back as 1, type, ??e have received your message and will contact you shortly?? If the variable 2 is return, state ??A required element from your form is missing?? |
Job Type | Flash |
Attached Files: | N/A |