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Combine audio files into a new file (ID:4041)

Project Creator: GrantG
FC Member For 6189 Days
Credits 20
Completed Proj. Num. 0 / 1
Total payment USD
Avg Daily Online
0.00 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype No
Last Login 3/18/2008
Peers Rating 0.00%
Budget: Less than 250
Created: 3/16/2008 5:07:26 PM EST
Bidding Ends: 3/21/2008 5:07:26 PM EST
( Expired )
Development Cycle: 7 Days
Bid Count: 5
Average Bid: 162.00  
Project Description:

This is an audio manipulation project. You will create an object with a single function which combines multiple audio files.

Function CreateAudioFile(
  arrayAList as an array of strings,
  intOutputSeconds as integer,
  intFadeDownSeconds as integer,
  strBFile as String,
  strCFile as String,
  intAStrength as integer,
  intBStrength as integer,
  intCStrength as integer,
  strOutputName as string,
  strOutputFormat as string) as string

Function Description
This function combines audio files and stores them in a new file. It returns an error message if unable to complete the file creation. The completed project will run on a .net webservice. Therefore, it must be callable from .net; if a wrapper is required, you must supply the wrapper.

There may be up to three audio input streams.
Stream A is formed by adding the audio files in arrayAList until their combined length is at least intOutputSeconds. The list may be repeated as necessary. Abort the function if arrayAlist is empty.

For example:
File A1 is 12 seconds
File A2 is 9 seconds
File A3 is 7 seconds
intOutputSeconds is 60 seconds.
The A stream would be: A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 A1 (68 seconds)

Stream B is the audio stream from the file named in strBFile. If the string is null, there is no stream B.

Stream C is the audio stream from the file named in strCFile. If the string is null, there is no stream C.

The amplitude of the output stream is a weighted average of the three streams. Weighting for the three streams is represented by IntAStrength, IntBStrength, and intCStrength (range of each 0-200). The resulting stream should be amplitude-compressed to resemble the amplitude of Stream A.

If any one of the inputs in Stream A is in stereo, the output of the function should also be in stereo ??meaning that the individual tracks will be calculated separately.

After the three streams are added, the result will be truncated at intOutPutSeconds. A linear fade will begin IntFadeDownSeconds before the end and will reach 0 at the end of the stream.

The finished stream will be stored in the format strOutputFormat on disk.

Other information:
These file type must be handled as input or output:

The directories containing the files for streams A, B and C should be parameterized individually. (FILEADIR=??:\FILE\?? FILEBDIR=??:\FILEB\:??for example)

Error messages: at a minimum error messages should discriminate these conditions:
??Write not allowed due to access rights.
??Invalid directory on write.
??Input file not found.
??Bad input file

It?? okay if your code references shareware or freeware libraries, but you must include instructions for obtaining those libraries (including source code).

Job Type .NET 
Attached Files: N/A

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