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Upgrade For Custom Video Script (For Adding FLash Videos) (ID:4125)

Project Creator: wshhcoder
FC Member For 6198 Days
Credits 20
Completed Proj. Num. 0 / 2
Total payment USD
Avg Daily Online
0.00 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype No
Last Login 4/18/2008
Peers Rating 0.00%
Budget: 500 - 1000
Created: 4/2/2008 8:02:42 PM EST
Bidding Ends: 5/2/2008 8:02:42 PM EST
( Expired )
Development Cycle: 30 Days
Bid Count: 3
Average Bid: 1,640.00  
Project Description:

*NOTE* . We already have a video script that has some features and admin panel. but needs upgrading. Its up to you wether you prefer to start from scratch, or continue with what we have. Whatevers the cheapest route .

**ANOTHER IMPORTANT NOTE**. Our video coder that we had upgraded our script to run more smoothly, and faster, and to save bandwidth, and less server usage. So unless u know bout that. think best option is to work around our current script that he updated. Its a basic custom script

*ALSO NOTE* . Your coding must be organzied and professional, and hack safe. We dont want hackers to be able to exploit ot hack into the site, if some php file was not secured or coded correctly

Below is a list of upgrades we want on our current video script. We already have some features on our site now. The way our video script works, is it plays videos from youtube, google, myspace, any flv url

*ALSO NOTE* . We have amember script that you will be working around and using database from, If your not familiar with ammeber, its a member payment system which u can read up oon at

=====We ask that the coder is able to do atleast 90 percent of what we asked for below====.

and note because of bad experience in past with coders not able to finish our project or taking way tooo long, we dont do upfront payment no more, till we see half of project completed, first, either on your server or our server

**important add on upgrade script, we need is**

1) is a script, where only the admin can press a button, and it will check all videos listed on our site, see if all the flv videos are working. The ones that the .flv dont work. We ask that it lists all the videos and flv url on a page,

2) On Admin panel, when we add a new video, and when we enter the flv file location. We ask that when we press submit buttoon it, will automatically download the flv file and store it in a folder on our website and after it does that. We ask that just in case the flv url we added, does not work any more. That it will replace the flv file with the one in our server. So we ask that on admin panel, if we press a button that checks all videos for dead flv url links. We may press the button every weeek. If it finds dead flv urls. it will replace all the dead videos with the flv files that it automatically downloaded and stored on our server

* 1) the search box on video index, when people are searching, can you add a option to sort by date, and sort by hits, sort by artist name, make images more smaller on search results, more organzined and lined up, and better searcher, that searches words from title of video, and description

  2)  * Make a submission page, Where they have to be logged in to be able to submit videos, where on the forum it will have these boxes: li>Name: \\\"There logged in name of course\\\"
  * Email:
  * Title Of Video:
  * Description of Video:
  * Url Of Image:
  * Video Url:
  * Then the submit button
  * Then it will be displayed on our admin panel, of awaiting to be accepted , Where if we want the video displayed. We can edit video url the url of the image, and anythng they entered , and we click on approved, If we approved the video, it will be automatically displayed, and when viewing the video, have text saying Submitted By: \\\"There Logged In Username\\\" and on there usercp panel it will show how many video submittion they got accepted.
  * 3) Also would like on admin panel, when we add a new video, it will have a box that we can enter for artist name, and when viewing the video it will show underneath hits Artist: \\\"Artist Name\\\"
  * 4) We Want To be able to setup and add pages for producers/artists in admin panel easier way. Like We Enter There Producer/Artist Name -, b) upload there logo, picture c) Enter Multiple Embded Boxes, So that we can enter an embed video, and it will show on there page, the thumbnail/screenshot of the video , with title of video and how many hits it gets, and when they click on the thumbnail it plays the video, like how our video index page works
  * Where people would have to register/login to comment. and they have option to use avatar. to show image next to comment. maximum image size should be 150 x 150. Make a script where it will shrink that size down if they upload a image thats bigger than 150 x 150. To upload avatars, they would have to use meaning they place the external url link to the image. and they cant upload any image to our server.

Make sure the maximum characters for username is 50 and maximum characters they can enter is 600
  * 3) We want to be able to add a featured video at the top of site, So instead of having it automatically change to newest video , we choose which video to feature

  * 4) We want on admin panel a feature, (like a box) that says \\\"show video on video home page\\\" and if we dont place a check on it, then it wont show that video on latest videos index page

    * 1) A section on top left, to show latest commentsm maybe like 5 latest comments or 10 depending on how it fits

  * 2) section for most viewed video, and most commented (discussed video) (you can create a new page called Stats, and it wuill show these stats. as well as for commenters. Who comments the most. Most respected

  * 3) A video bar, like here (where they can select which videos from our channels, like unsigned hype, Most viewed videos, mosyt recent videos ) and can use the video bar to embded on there website/myspace etc
  * 4) Future only paid members, can be allowed to download videos and have it convert the flv video to avi, or .mp4 for cellphone format automatically.
  * 5) When viewing video. under video add a digg this like . Where users can click on digg this and it will sumbit the page/video to and a email this video feature, where they can email the video if there lazy to a friend. Siince our email on our server is like blacklisted, like it gets on everyones spam email box, that may be a problem
  * 6) On Comments, it shows as latest comment at the top of video. Can you switch that around to show the 1st comment on that video to always remain at the top
  * 7) Different rss feeds for categories/channels
  * 8) A Prop system on comments, like so people can click on props and will give them points (like reputation points). If they click on trash button, thats bad, and there reputation points will go down. Each good comment is worth 3 prop points. Each bad comment is worth 2 prop points. For someone who has like 100 comments or 50 comments They have more power and can give a good commenter, 6 prop points, and 5 negative points. No one can prop themselves
  * 9) On there profiles, would like to show how many comments they added, and how many points (reputation) they have.

11) On our embded video links. If we place the embded url on the web browser, it shows the exact flv url of the video, We ask that you make a way where it hides that flv url to that video

12) A way where we can edit/ add / remove category or channel titles

13). In our current admin panel, when we edit the image url's, it never updates it correctly, need that fixed as well

14) At the top of our site. like below flash header, add a box that will display "Member Online". and will display there avatar or profile pic, showing bout 7 or 5 from left to right , just like

14) Member register or member login box, can be all the way at top right, nice and small

15) For member profiles. We would like there stats to show on there profile, and to let them know if they are a paid member or free member. They can Add friends, Top 5 Friends. Members can leave comments on other peoples profiles pages, You can send friend requests. Only thing we dont want is for people to be able to message each other, and no uploading images allowed. They will have to use an external url for images like , Only jgp, gif, png or bmp file extensions are accepted, They are allowed to add basic info about them, like Age, School, Where they From, Sort of like;jsessionid=E80976D38E54288A55B55D4631C71CF6.tomcat235

16) We also want a dead Video? report it link when viewing video, Where they can click on dead video, and it will check to see if the flv url is actually dead. If flv is actually dead. Then it will send us an email and replace the video, with the one that was automatically downloaded and added on server, if we ever did that. if not just to email us, like

17) Where it says our latest updated videos, that shows our latest added videos. We actually want it to be renamed to say Latest Reupped Videos. Where it will display latest videos that we change the flv url too , on admin panel to show up there

18) the layout for our viewing videos page, the color we would liek it like

and make the description box text more smaller organzied looking like

19) When making commnents, we want to allow any guest to add a comment, but also want a link on there for peopel to login or register and they can have there name and avatar to display there,

it says guest automaticially, but people wont know if they should signup to change there username and have avatar features, etc, SO i think when you gets those new features like avatar and color. if you can add this note around the adding comment box

\"Automatically add your profile name & avatar and a link to your profile by Simply logging in to comment. Not a member? Signup for FREE!

20) We need in our admin panel a way to add rmtp streams liike and it will play on our player, like a way to rip. hotlink rtmp streams. like if we enter this info for one video on admin panel

Media Path:mtvnshrdstor/_!/mtvi/bands/j/jay_z/i_know_full_320
RTMP APP: rtmp://

that it will play

21) def need categories, that when we add a new video we can select which category it should go in

Categories we want are
  1) Unsigned Hype
  2) WorldStar Official Honeys
  2) Eye Candy/Models
  3) Music Videos
  4) Hip Hop News
  5) Tv,Dvds,Trailers
  6) Air It Out!
  7) Misc

And place it in The navigation bar. Like Make a text called Videos and that has a dropdown arrow. Where if you hove your mouse over it, it will list all those 7 categorie

(DO remeber we want to be able to edit these categories)

22) Also would like on admin panel, when we add a new video, it will have a box that we can enter for artist name, and when viewing the video it will show underneath hits
Artist: "Artist Name"

Job Type PHP, Other 
Attached Files: N/A

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