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RootKit, Protect Program (ID:4245)

Project Creator: dcarnage
FC Member For 6151 Days
Credits 20
Completed Proj. Num. 0 / 2
Total payment USD
Avg Daily Online
0.00 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype No
Last Login 4/25/2008
Peers Rating 0.00%
Budget: 500 - 1000
Created: 4/23/2008 3:45:02 PM EST
Bidding Ends: 5/3/2008 3:45:02 PM EST
( Expired )
Development Cycle: 10 Days
Bid Count: 2
Average Bid: 1,140.00  
Project Description:

Hello, I need a driver to
a. Make our program unKillable (it should not be killed by other software, malware,antivirus or firewall)
b. Create UnCleanable Autorun
c. make it work through firewalls and antiviruses.

I think you should do:
- File Hide
- Process Hide
Inject into other process
- Autorun
Driver Should Load With System,
then wait for some process with network activity and inject to it
- If it will not be found in 30 minutes, start our app from system process
- UnKill
- If Process with mailer is dead, inject it again
- Antivirus should allow our driver and process.
- Crypt of Our Process And Driver if it is possible
- Windows Vista Compatible if you can

Send me what methods you can offer to make our task

Job Type C/C++, Delphi, Other 
Attached Files: N/A

Bids placed

(There are 2 bids on this project, these are listed below)
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