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PHP Developer needed (ID:4369)

Project Creator: aic763
FC Member For 6132 Days
Credits 20
Completed Proj. Num. 0 / 4
Total payment USD
Avg Daily Online
0.00 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype No
Last Login 5/20/2008
Peers Rating 0.00%
Budget: Not Sure/Confidential
Created: 5/12/2008 11:58:13 PM EST
Bidding Ends: 7/11/2008 11:58:13 PM EST
( Expired )
Development Cycle: 7 Days
Bid Count: 5
Average Bid: 559.80  
Project Description:

PHP Developer Needed

Myers College needs a php programmer to install a virtual class manager.

We also need updates done to the website, a alumni page needs to be added, Myers College also wants to express a division for myers career institute, Myers State University, and Myers High School, For this you might have add another part of the website, another domain name, or maybe even a new site that will be linked to Myers College, if a new website is made it will have to be as basic as Myers College and look very simular.

We also need the website to be optamized to be on first page of google and yahoo and anyother search engines. If you have Knowlege in geting free google adwords that would be a plus

We require someone that has intense knowlege in building, designing, and legalizing education websites. This means knowing how to develop templates for diplomas, contracts, creating and designing courses for the college and high school.

We require that payment will not be asked or made until entire project is done.

We require that you will be completely commited to completing the project in a 3 day time frame and with minimal hours used to complete project: for example it took you 5 hours to complete this project in a 2 days.

We require that every change made is immidiatly uploaded on the the website when you have eather stopped working, have taken a break, or if the day has ended.

We require that you contact us everyday by phone and give us an update of what you have completed. if we do not answer leave a message. And we require that you answer all emails or phone messages on the day they were received.

We require that a minimum of 3 years experance

we require Knowlege in everything that would be required and needed to complete project quickly with the highest quality.

we require that you have everything you need at your dispolse to do the job quickly with the highest quality.

If project is completed ahead of time and all requirements are met with the up most quality and professionalizum, then there will be a 2% raise to your final project fee.

If these requirments are not met there will be a 10% deduction to your payment. For example if your project fee was $25 and you did not meet the requirements your project payment would be reduced to $22.50.

Canidates with higher scores on odesk, more experance, and high education will be given special consideration.

Job Type .NET, PHP, Other 
Attached Files: N/A

Bids placed

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