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aol scrapper (ID:4601)

Project Creator: theadultking
FC Member For 6090 Days
Credits 20
Completed Proj. Num. 0 / 2
Total payment USD 16.00
Avg Daily Online
0.00 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype Yes
Last Login 7/15/2008
Peers Rating 0.00%
Budget: 1000 - 2500
Created: 6/23/2008 7:53:02 PM EST
Bidding Ends: 7/7/2008 7:53:02 PM EST
( Expired )
Development Cycle: 7 Days
Bid Count: 3
Average Bid: 3,666.67  
Project Description:

We are looking for a crack on the AOL chat room entering, NOT AIM. This is the actual AOL software version. Currently on aol to be able to use their chat rooms, you need to verify yourself with a credit card to prove your at least 18 years of age. Once you create an account, your allowed to create 6 other accounts to set up under the main account. Also each screen name can only be logged into one room at a time. We see about 2000-3000 total rooms online at any given time. Currently we go in the AOL chat rooms and see their are BOTS in the room just like on AIM and wonder how this is done. There are 2 ways we see possible and either is ok with us:

First, they are cracking aol protocol and are able to get around this. We can either create 1000 screen names and if protocol is cracked, we wouldn't need to verify accounts with a credit card.

Second, they have made programs to enter each room one after another and somehow trick aol to thinking they are still in each room. AOL only allows you to enter rooms 8 per 15 minutes. We need to be able to enter 2000-3000 all at once or one right agter another to scrap the online users.

The scope of the project:

We do NOT want aol hacked. We do not want a desktop program that is limited to the computers bandwidth that manually logs into each room only doing the 8 rooms every 15 minutes of scrapping. We are looking for an extremely advanced program that does 2 things: First it can be in all rooms at a one time, either with unique screen names, or preferably just one if you can find a way. Second, since aol only allows 6 screen names per verified accounts, this would be impossible for us to verify 100+ accounts with our credit card. Again we see BOTS in these rooms and don't know what the answer is. We want to run this on large servers so its lighting fast. Finally, we need to capture all instant messages that the screen name(s) receive and find a way to mass communicate with the people im'ing us back and forth in real time.

We are open to any suggestions or recommendations from any highly experienced developers. This project is for pros only, so if your new please dont waste our time or yours. We want to be able to do what others have figured out in a legal way. This project will not be a spamming project, and is needed ASAP. Happy Bidding!

Job Type .NET 
Attached Files: N/A

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