Sorry for heard you had bad experience.
i can say i am the one man you can trust.
I had done these web site
??Reuters InsertLink upgrade, before i come to this company all the update to the Reuters server side, which need around 1 minutes to 3 minutes, this ecture now it just need around 5 to 10 second.
??AJAX, because all data update all the time, before which use the old http refesh, so that the browser will refresh itself all the time. After upgrade all the page refresh very good. System Trading, this is a project include three major parts, News to advice the user how to win the forex market.
??Provided leadership and direction to project teams to develop the World Finest Chinese Forex Web Site www.thomsonfx.com . Thomsonfx's contents are provide by IFRMARKETS Thomson , which is the largest forex news and forex strategy content provider in the world. In this web site we build up the Branding and Corpo rate Identity,Website Strategy, InformationArchitecture, Interface Design Architecture and Usability Testing. In this web site it has over 50 toys function in this web site, Real time and 24 hours Live lecture class in Window, PDA and 3G Cell Phone, Worldwide SMS service and real time price feeding. And using dif ferent strategy and marking to increase the worldwide chinese web site tra c from no ranging to now 23,300 and getting around 5.4million to 8+million page hits per day.
??Played an instrumental role in re architecting the new FXCM Inter national web site with primary responsibility for overall usability, site wide navigation.
??Presented the Strategy and Development Design and Server side Programming crossing the world to let more Chinese to learn what is the forex trading.
??Provided technology solution to solve the FXCM trading station Internet Connection problem in China area.
??FXCM trading station in Browser, Develop the trading browser for the professional trader, which include the live news, live price feeding and all the trading function in it.
??Develop the inhouse project, HR program, Integrate Salesforce with inhouse o ce system.
??Develop the online forex trading platform in china internet connection .
??Jan 2002 to July 2002 follow up the Creative Team and Developing Team to creating Web site and helping the clients making the Successful Website .
??July 2002 to Dec 2003 Manage the Creative Team, Information Technology Team and Developing Team.
??Developing Multi Language Content Management System, CRM, Knowledge Management. In php, jsp Servlet, mysql to db2
??Two main crazy Project include the Location Maps for the AirportCheck In Hall Phase I and Airport s Multimedia Information Kiosk They both using the Flash, XML, dynamic back end Integration and content publishing control. To providing the Realtime 3D VR direction walkthrough on the whole Airport. So that the Airport s passenger wont miss the road to the washroom.
??The long long team project Asia Arsenal, this web site is therst English Premier League club in Chinese language website in Asia. In this web site o ered the strategic advice and guidance, including both interactive marketing campaigns and traditional grass root marketing through event gatherings.
??Start as a Creative Designer, to handling O ine Design, Website Design and Website programming ASP, MS SQL
??From Dec 2001 became the Internet Project Manager, start the Project Management Live, learning the Quality Control Management, Budget Analysis, Organization & Time Management.
And before these job i was a multimedia designer