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Sales roles...Great commission (ID:510)

Project Creator: Vivek108
FC Member For 7004 Days
Credits 20
Completed Proj. Num. 0 / 1
Total payment USD
Avg Daily Online
0.00 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype No
Last Login 12/23/2005
Peers Rating 0.00%
Budget: Not Sure/Confidential
Created: 12/21/2005 11:32:48 AM EST
Bidding Ends: 2/19/2006 11:32:48 AM EST
( Expired )
Development Cycle: 30 Days
Bid Count: 7
Average Bid: 1,123.00  
Project Description:


We are based in London, UK and starting off an internet based B2B business. Basically, we are in the final stages process of designing a Global website directory which advertises details of manufacturers, producers, wholesalers and suppliers from all around the world for a small annual fee. The site is in its final stages and should be live soon.

I am hoping I can find a service with a sales approach who will contact businesses in China and the Far East and persuade them to advertise on our site. There will be a commission structure paid to you for every client you bring onboard. For example, If you bring onboard a 'Gold' customer who pays USD 360 per year, we will pay you USD30. If you bring a 'Silver' customer who pays USD200, we will pay you USD20. This is a very competitive structure as if, for example, you bring 10 clients in one day, then we would pay you USD300!

Ofcourse, the fees are not fixed. In the future, Gold clients could be charged USD500 and we will pay you USD50.

Vivek Chhibba

Job Type  
Attached Files: N/A

Bids placed

(There are 7 bids on this project, these are listed below)
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