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Professional Database (ID:5496)

Project Creator: biswchou
FC Member For 5869 Days
Credits 20
Completed Proj. Num. 0 / 3
Total payment USD 0.00
Avg Daily Online
0.00 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype No
Last Login 6/11/2009
Peers Rating 0.00%
Budget: 250 - 500
Created: 3/5/2009 9:05:19 AM EST
Bidding Ends: 3/20/2009 9:05:19 AM EST
( Expired )
Development Cycle: 40 Days
Bid Count: 10
Average Bid: 1,338.00  
Project Description:

We would like to develop a portal for certain category of Professionals. The Portal will serve as a database for those professionals. Described below a short summary of the functionalities of the Portal.

Functional Requirements:
??ign-up to the Portal
??egister his Basic Profile
??an upload Audio and Video?? files
??an make himself/herself a featured Professional by taking our membership
??ayment procession for paid members ( Payment Processing through CCAVENUE Payment Gateway)
??pply for a job requirement
??ate another professional

Normal Users
??earch for professionals in the Database
??earch for audio/ video
??lay Audio / Video
??ost a job requirement
??ate another professional.

Operational Requirements:

Target Environment:
??atabase will be MYSQL
??creens and codes to be developed in JSP/HTML and Java
??he Application needs to be installed in the hosting server specified by customer

Look and Feel:
??ll the screens need to be developed in JSP/HTML.
??he application must use a CSS for all look and feel features. After the application is developed, we will change the look and feel through changes to the CSS file.

??he look and Feel of the application should be similar to the design provided.

??e will provide the user id and password of the hosting details. The portal need to be installed successfully in the predefined location.

Google Ad-Sense:
??n the placeholder for Google Ad sense, the Google Ad sense needs to be configured properly

CCAvenue Configuration:
??he portal will use CCAvenue for payment processing. The CCAvenue tutorial details will be provided to the service provider. The service provider needs to configure the CCAvenue properly into the site.

??og4J to be used to keep track of all the execution at Java Class level. The log4J properties file in Production server may be set to False after 1 Year of Live application run time.


Application Development : 8 Weeks
Customer Testing on the Test Server : 2 Weeks
Bug Fixing : 1 Weeks
Customer Re-Testing and Bug Fixing: 1 Weeks
Production Installation and Bug Fixing: 1 Week
Go Live: 1 Week

Altogether from Project start to GoLIVE there is 14 weeks.

Customer Supplied Item
We will provide the following
??etailed Requirement Specification
??ower Point Presentation on the screen layout for your reference.
??artial Data Model Layout

Vender Selection:
??ith the requirement specified, Vendors need to come out with their offer. Alongwith the offer following information are required to do the preselection
??ava / J2EE Skill
??osting Ability, Reference projects done should be provided with the URL
??bility to use Payment gateway preferably CCAVENUE, Any other Payment gateway experience will be also OK.

With these information 2 of the Vendors will be preselected and the Complete Requirement Specification and the Power Point Presentation on the screen Layout will be shared with them. Vendors will go through the same and suggest their comments and adjust the Bid Price and Timeline. Based on these information, The Vendor of Choice will be selected.

Acceptance Criteria:
The Application will be accepted only when it is successfuly hosted to the hosting environment and all requirements mentioned in the requirement specication are fulfilled and vendor has completely handed over to customer all the source code and documentation.

Job Type Java, JSP 
Attached Files: N/A

Bids placed

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