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online food ordering system needed (ID:5546)

Project Creator: lisano
FC Member For 5824 Days
Credits 20
Completed Proj. Num. 0 / 2
Total payment USD 0.00
Avg Daily Online
0.00 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype Yes
Last Login 4/1/2009
Peers Rating 0.00%
Budget: 500 - 1000
Created: 3/16/2009 3:50:06 PM EST
Bidding Ends: 4/15/2009 3:50:06 PM EST
( Expired )
Development Cycle: 30 Days
Bid Count: 10
Average Bid: 1,126.00  
Project Description:

----- My system offers the convenience for hotel guests to ordering food from restaurants.
    ----- The system should contain customers portal and administration portal.
       customers portal:
       is the public site where customers can search restaurants of their liking and read about the service.
       the customers need not be registered with us. He can browse and order food without entering his login details.  
    basic requirement:
       CP1: Home page, keep in simple, service information page with location panel. customer can search hotel location by
          using interactive google map or by using post code to fast locate hotel location or manually input hotel name or
       CP2: After locate the hotel address, customers can browse hotel page with hotel logo and restaurants list and able to
           fill in room number. It should be a space on the side shows order status.There will be a section on hotel page for
           featured restaurants on lower right handside of the hotel page and inner pages. Featured Restaurants will appear            rotation and views / clicks will be tracked. Featured Restaurants can be linked to IP address and postal codes so             that customer only on those postcode can see those restaurants.
       CP3: After click on the restaurant logo, customers can go to restaurant's menu page. The system should allow for the
          creation of categories (with ability to add photo to heading), creation of items under heading, and options for the
           heading (and ability for users to edit their order and items). customers can create order of multiple items (admin
           should be able to add, edit, delete items and categories, as well as item option; ex: small, medium, large, specific
           ingredients, etc.) and have the ability to go back into order before place and edit specific items in their "cart"
           Categories can have pictures (along with category name) added by admin (item and category control should be
           done through admin back-end. Admin should be able to view (via back-end area) all customers orders
       CP4: Check out panel: Customers has optional payment methods: either pay by credit card( information only,
           not processed online, expiration day, security code, name as it appears on card and billing address) or by cash.
           Also, check out screen has space for customer input their contact phone number)                    
       CP5: Once the order was placed, restaurants will receive all the details of the order(food that ordered, hotel address
          customer personal information, contact numbers etc...) via fax, and a follow up order confirmation call will call to
        administration portal:
          is the control panel for the super user and any admin staff to whom specific rights are delegated. Users, permissions,
        both hotel information and restaurant information as well menu and settings can be managed from this section. Order
        activity and site statistics can be viewed in admin panel.
     basic requirement:
        AP1: Authentication including login, logout and change password.
        AP2: Manage content of informational pages on home site with a WYSIWYG interface .
        AP3: View a summary dashboard about the overall activity on the site .
        AP4: View detailed site statistics about events on the site .
        AP5: Manage customers through shadow login facility.
        AP6: Set up fax numbers and follow up order confirmation call numbers.
        AP7: Send an email or SMS or fax alert to any customer or restaurant.
        AP8: Create sub-admin users and selectively delegate rights in admin panel.
        AP9: View a log of all incoming and outgoing payments by time and date range.
        AP10: Abilities of extract/ print reports: orders details ( by hotel location, by restaurants)

Newly added descriptions:
thanks for bidding!

I listed more information here

1: the system so be a supper- admin system since it will be used for affiliate program or so called partnership program.

2: there will be onsite menu and IRV program put in use with the system, hence, the flexibility and timeframe are both essential.

If you understand my requirement, please message me your understanding and outline.

when you suggest the cost and development timeframe, please consider that it can be one time service purchasing or long-term tech-support service.

Job Type .NET, Delphi, PHP, Visual Basic 
Attached Files: N/A

Bids placed

(There are 10 bids on this project, these are listed below)
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