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Religious webSite (ID:5556)

Project Creator: clogdoctor
FC Member For 5823 Days
Credits 20
Completed Proj. Num. 0 / 3
Total payment USD 0.00
Avg Daily Online
0.00 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype No
Last Login 4/12/2009
Peers Rating 0.00%
Budget: Less than 250
Created: 3/18/2009 11:59:24 PM EST
Bidding Ends: 4/8/2009 11:59:24 PM EST
( Expired )
Development Cycle: 30 Days
Bid Count: 6
Average Bid: 540.00  
Project Description:

Hello, I need a turn key religious membership community site that mixes PHP NUKE AND SOCIAL NETWORK SITE TOGETHER AS ONE,

WHERE members can share thoughts, pictures, music, videos, and large news, meetings, bible study, inspirational words blog sheet,with members piture and name, all the elements of social network like newest members pics ,

I dont see a website that has both together. under one site.

Can you make one or do you no of one already made that you could add to make what I need?

Site Name: Truckers 4 GOD

Contents must include:
Our Mission, Our Laws & Rules, Our Conviction & Commitment, Our Oath & Prayer, Our Expectations, Which God Do We Serve, How We Learn to Live For God, Who can become a Member, What is the Plan, How much time do I give, What are my Duties, How does this Plan Work, What's wrong with Trucker's Now, What GOD will Change In Trucking, Membership Fees, Meetings on road & Trk. Stp.,
More Contents:
My Groups,VideosPictures ,Classifieds,NewsEvents,Membership program, Dues, Members Needing Help, Non-Members Help, Real Brotherhood, What if I don't Believe, Why should I join,What's in it For Me, Who is in Control,Bible study Online, Bible Study at Meetings, We use the NIV Bible, Why the NIV Bible, How will the Bible help MeLearn,Receive,Obey,Stay Close,Live,Serve,God,-Stray You Pay-How do I Stay Close To GOD,What changes can I expect in me,Replace your Addictions with a Conviction to the Lord our God, We are all Sinners Forever, How do I Control Sinning, How will I no I'm Doing Right In God's Eye's, When Will I See Change, and Feel God in My Heart and Soul, What if I hate reading, How do we Promote, How do we help Truckers who don't Believe,How do I no I've Strayed, Lead by Example on and off the road, The Holy Spirit, Who is God, Is GOD Real, Is this a Cult, What Denomination Is This, Fear OF God, Whats's God Like, Which God do we Serve, Which God is the true God, God in Trucking & Our Families, Giving Yourself To GOD, Before and After The ??ay We Were??
many are just discussion sections which php nuke would b fine 4 but but i want to integrate a social networking invironment as well to keep people helping and shareing and working with each other with inspirational pictures,music,chat groups,my groups,group intersest, loud crazy loving members,quiet reserved members area, sensitive members, all together members group, this way members can stay in a class they relate as well as all together in other areas

Im a truck driver times are slow now and attitudes out here are bad,mean, un godly, and I need to start this now while work is slow, please help, its just me and GOD right now and maybe you 2 if you can help. will need to test it and make sure it works load of
1000 drivers or more, on, my cows hosting,or a hosting serv like that. I found many scripts that are nice but not set up way I need them to be. More community,less dating style but all the photo,music,video,groups,events,calendar,my profile,my groups,my fav pics,my fav,music, my friends,my groups.
Important NOTE: I enclosed you my main page of my website which is not the home page BUT IS THE FIRST PAGE TO WeBSITE.
I want to use this page 1st so new members or guest will click and be directed to a website DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT (2ND PAGE) b4 entering home page to site. they must agree b4 they gain access to home page. THIS IS A MUST, and admin must have the disclosure page ready 4 what ever I want to put wording wise into it ,and change anytime with a click agree disagree link to home page included in cost of program.its a one time disclosure not needed after signing up full registration one time. But will be done each time if they never reghister.
admin must be non codeing style needed, user friendly style like most servers are using today to control all areas including style sheets and in block form like php nuke

Job Type PHP 
Attached Files: N/A

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