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Project Creator: lovinasmith2009
FC Member For 5636 Days
Credits 20
Completed Proj. Num. 0 / 0
Total payment USD 0.00
Avg Daily Online
0.00 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype No
Last Login 9/20/2009
Peers Rating 0.00%
Budget: Less than 250
Created: 9/20/2009 12:14:34 PM EST
Bidding Ends: 9/23/2009 12:14:34 PM EST
( Expired )
Development Cycle: 5 Days
Bid Count: 1
Average Bid: 500.00  
Project Description:

I need a hosted application/script for mass mailing to handle MASS MAILING TO EMAIL LISTS.


1. Mails at least 1million emails every 1 HOUR.

2. delivers all emails into inbox of email list (VERY IMPORTANT FEATURE REQUIRED)

3. should be a hosted application. I can provide a web hosting account to be used for this purpose.

4. can send text or html messages

5. requires user name and password to access mass mailing panel

6. email list to be mailed can be uploaded to the panel and separated by comma, or new email per line/line break

7. as soon as the email list is uploaded and the send button is clicked, the mailer continues to send the email even if the system goes off or the browser window is closed.

8. emails to be sent can be scheduled to be sent later.

9. complete report is generated to show the emails that are sent, not sent, error etc.

10. SHOULD HAVE AN ADMIN PANEL: where i can create and manage unlimited mass mailing accounts.

Each account created under the admin panel will have all the features listed above.

Each account will have its own unique login username and password with which user can login from a web based interface from

any system with internet access.

I can manage accounts created from the admin panel . Management of the accounts will entail having the ability to :

i. create new accounts with its own unique login username and password with which user can login from a web based interface

from any system with internet access

ii. delete, suspend/unsuspend any account etc

If you already have a system that works like what i want, we can go with that.

If you can provide what i want, let me test the system you currently have. If it works like what i want, then the deal is as

good as closed.

to bid on this project, start with the term 'MASS MAILER' to confirm that you have read my post, understands it and can truly

deliver on this project ASAP.

thanks for your bid. I look forward to working with you.


Job Type PHP, Other 
Attached Files: N/A

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