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JavaScripting for incoming PDF files via fax... (ID:6125)

Project Creator: JeffBPaarsa
FC Member For 5630 Days
Credits 20
Completed Proj. Num. 0 / 3
Total payment USD 0.00
Avg Daily Online
0.00 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype No
Last Login 3/28/2010
Peers Rating 0.00%
Budget: Less than 250
Created: 9/25/2009 1:09:25 PM EST
Bidding Ends: 11/24/2009 1:09:25 PM EST
( Expired )
Development Cycle: 30 Days
Bid Count: 4
Average Bid: 277.50  
Project Description:

Email comes in as fax notification with a link to a PDF file showing the fax that has been received?? Sample email is:
You have 9 new fax(es).

This is a link to a fax. To view it, click

Or go to
and enter
What I am looking for:
User after clicking on the PDF link and looking at faxed PDF document:
1.  Be able to save the PDF Doc in a folder say called C:\RefillDrug with a click of a button with the file name of (MMDDYYYY)PtName.pdf. PtName is obtained via a prompt to the user.
2.  Be able to save the PDF Doc in a folder say called C:\Autho with a click of another button with the file name of (MMDDYYYY)PtName.pdf. PtName is obtained via a prompt to the user.
Later on, user can go to either of the above folder and open each saved file on the first step
1.  For file saved on C:\RefillDrug after opening each PDF file
by pushing a button I want following text and JPG file to be added to the document ??efill time?? prompt to enter 1-2 numeric data next line and JPG signature file followed by date and time stamp??Last action to prompt user to enter the fax number then print the document to Fax printer and move and save it to say C:\RefillDrug\Faxed.
2.  By pushing another button I want following text and JPG file to be added to the document ??o Refill. Pt. Needed to be seen??next line JPG signature file followed by date and time stamp??Last action to prompt user to enter the fax number then print the document to Fax printer and move and save it to say C:\RefillDrug\Faxed.
I have to have source of the program... because there might be needs for slight modification...  

Newly added descriptions:
For those who asked for more clear specifiction for the projet, and specification is not too clear... I have uploaded a word document to explain more about the project....

Job Type Java, Javascript 
Attached Files: 20090928153313.doc

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