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Adjust a current SQL based interface (ID:6273)

Project Creator: themarketstore
FC Member For 5657 Days
Credits 20
Completed Proj. Num. 3 / 16
Total payment USD 740.00
Avg Daily Online
0.02 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype Yes
Last Login 5/3/2013
Peers Rating 0.00%
Budget: Not Sure/Confidential
Created: 11/25/2009 1:57:26 AM EST
Bidding Ends: 11/28/2009 1:57:26 AM EST
( Expired )
Development Cycle: 10 Days
Bid Count: 2
Average Bid: 475.00  
Project Description:

Changes proposed for the RMCH website
There is already a back end SQL admin interface and it will need to be slightly modified.
On the Employment section front end.
A.ˇˇˇˇSort jobs by Classification /Category Add this to the back end so each job can have a classification. (Currently there is not a classification field on back end)
License positions
Allied health

B. Eliminate the Pay Column and change to "Job Category" and list the Classification/Category it belongs to
C. Eliminate the Closing date from appearing on Front End
D. Change title of Type of Pay to say "Exempt/Hourly"
E. Add "Type of Shift" to front end column (FT/PT/PRN)
F. Eliminate the "Details Button" and make the title of the position a link to the description of the job.
G. Make the table easier to read by lightening the background cells or by making the text black or both.
E. Put the current "Classification" title you are currently in above the table so people can know where they are when browsing the jobs.
F. Change the "Apply button to a text link.
G. In the "Details" pop up box, (WHEN YOU CLICK "DETAILS" FOR A JOB...)
1. Add an Apply button in that box.
2. Add a "print" button in the box and if possible make it print in a PDF format.
3. Make the details box a little more readable.. black text etc..
4. Add Contact info to the details box
5. Change "type of pay" to say "Exempt/Hourly"
6. Change the "pay" to say a default "All positions are DOE"
7. Make the ability to make more than 1 recruiter contact. Recruiter 1 and recruiter 2 and put the name and phone numbers on each line.
H. in all "Apply" functions, Add the ability to attach a WORD document. (ONLY ACCEPTS PDF, ZIP AND .TXT RIGHT NOW)
I. on the "Apply" page, change the words "Upload Resume" to say "Attach Resume"
J. Make the Phone number format clear in the apply for job page. "Use this format xxx-xxx-xxxx"
K. Make Zip Code type format clearˇˇˇˇ"5 digits only please xxxxx"
M. On Benefits page, Take off the Managers Link and leave the "Employees" link. Also replace the PDF or info for "Employees" with new text that will be provided by RMCH.
N. Add the Blurb on the Benefits page that will be provided by RMCH
O. Make the Position disappear from the front end automatically when the closing date for a job has passed.
P. Put a drop down box on the employment page with the default set at "ALL" then let the user choose which classification they want to browse in by choosing the job classification form the drop down.
Q. List up to 25 positions at a time instead of only 8

Job Type  
Attached Files: 20091125015719.docx

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