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a document management solution for sales in insurance agency (ID:632)

Project Creator: windfloor
FC Member For 6921 Days
Credits 20
Completed Proj. Num. 0 / 1
Total payment USD
Avg Daily Online
0.00 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype No
Last Login 3/17/2006
Peers Rating 0.00%
Budget: Not Sure/Confidential
Created: 3/15/2006 4:43:22 AM EST
Bidding Ends: 3/22/2006 4:43:22 AM EST
( Expired )
Development Cycle: N/A Days
Bid Count: 10
Average Bid: 1,630.00  
Project Description:

It is a document management solution for sales in insurance agency. Part of it is a MS ie s/w tool for sales to organise their client profile, financial planning profile, activities and upload s/w copies of documents. In first phase, the s/w will be installed individually in sales' laptops running MS window XP.

Client profile:
1) Personal info
- name
- HK ID no/identification
- gender
- date of birth
- age
- contact info
- smoker/non-smoker
- occupation
- class
Financial planning profile:
There are many products. The s/w need to be generic to create and modify products profile.
1) Life plan(s)
- plan name
- terms & riders
- policy no
- issue date
- effective date
- contribution
- payment method
2) Medical
- plan name
- policy no
- issue date
- effective date
- class
- contribution
- payment method
3) MPF (Mandatory Provident Fund)
- plan name
- member name
- member no
- employer name
- effective date
- fund choice
- contribution
4) GI (General Insurance)
- insurancer name
- product name
- terms & condition (txt summary is enough)
- issue date
- contribution
5) Mutural fund savings plan
- plan name
- terms & riders
- policy no
- issue date
- effective date
- fund choice
- contribution
- payment method
6) Mutural fund lump sum
- plan name
- terms & riders
- policy no
- issue date
- effective date
- fund choice
- contribution
- payment method

- purpose
- date, time & place
- summary
- followup status
- followup description

Upload s/w copies:
8 categories of upload. Keep upload date & time as well. File format are jpg, ,jpeg, gif, inf and bmp.
1) Personal info
2) Life plan(s)
3) Medical
4) MPF (Mandatory Provident Fund)
5) GI (General Insurance)
6) Mutural fund savings plan
7) Mutural fund lump sum
8) Activities

Search functions: (still to be confirmed)
1) By client personal info
e.g. date of birth, client name and age etc
2) By financial planning product
e.g. Life plan, mutural fund savings plan and GI etc
3) By financial planning product details
e.g. plan name, issue date & payment method etc

Deployment requirement:
1) It would be great if the s/w comes with an installer, so that our site engineers can install and setup easily.
2) Source should be saved in either CD, memory flash or harddisk.
3) We expect s/w spec are MS window XP, MS access/MySQL.

We treat after sales services very seriously. Hope we can work out. Please let me know your quotation, project schedule and payment method. If you have any enquiries, feel free to contact me by email.

Job Type  
Attached Files: N/A

Bids placed

(There are 10 bids on this project, these are listed below)
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