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Student/Teacher Matching Site for ESL Students (ID:6817)

Project Creator: zombie_chris
FC Member For 4772 Days
Credits 20
Completed Proj. Num. 0 / 1
Total payment USD 0.00
Avg Daily Online
0.00 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype No
Last Login 2/2/2012
Peers Rating 0.00%
Budget: Not Sure/Confidential
Created: 2/1/2012 7:08:40 AM EST
Bidding Ends: 2/29/2012 7:08:40 AM EST
( Expired )
Development Cycle: 28 Days
Bid Count: 1
Average Bid: 5,000.00  
Project Description:

Subject: Proposal for designing & developing a dynamic student matching site

The site is proposed to be a dynamic website for an English as a Second Language (ESL) firm. This site will provide easy and instant information / quotes to the students as per modules. Various functionalities like price per hour, existing student feedback and contact details about a teacher, etc. would be seen by the students on the site. The site will have the attractive Front end for the Visitors and the Back end for administration of the site.

Layout Designing (Look & Feel)
The website will be elegantly designed with a clean and user friendly navigation. Highly creative images optimized for faster downloading of pages will be used.

Search Engine Friendly Pages
All web pages will be highly optimized for the search engines to index each and every word seamlessly. All products uploaded from the admin module will dynamically generate optimized pages without the help of any SEO (Search Engine Optimization) technician. You will have the freedom to add as many keywords in as many languages from our unique SEO tool included in the CMS.

The Users will be the students who seek an English teacher. The Following features will be provided for them:

1. Browse Teachers:
Users will be able to browse the teachers who are available and looking for work. Along with they will be able browse their Photo Gallery, view testimonials and contact details

2. Online Payments of Outstanding Invoices:
For this, Student registrations and teacher logins will be compulsory. The student will have to pay a nominal fee before being able to view the teacher?? contact details (telephone, email address, etc).

3. Calendar:
One feature of the site must be that the teachers will be able to pick and choose what days and when they are available to teach their private students. This is one of the flagship features that will be marketed to the foreign teachers to encourage them to sign up to the site.

4. Community Forum to log comments
The students will be able to leave comments and recommendations for the teachers that they have used. The comments should be moderated to remove any foul language.

5. Student Membership System
The website will be free as well as paid and shall be bifurcated as per the membership schemes available e.g. Free, Premium. Free users will only be able to sign up and search for a teacher that suits their location and budget . However Premium users will be able to view the contact details of each teacher (a nominal fee to be paid for each one, or contact detail ??okens??can be bought in a batch ??for example $50 to contact 5 different teachers).

6. Teacher?? Section:
There will be a separate login for teachers that will enable them to login and browse other staff profiles with their photos, qualifications, hobbies, etc.

7. Feedback / Suggestion / Complaint Form:
There will be an option for the users to provide feedback, suggestion or complaint on the site. Once the form is submitted, a tracking code will be issued to the user through which he will be able to trace the complaints

8. Detailed sites section showing interactive maps with directions to the site, full address and contact details. Sitemap will be provided on the site

9. Certifications and awards section
A page for the teachers to upload scans of relevant certification.

10. Testimonials
The testimonials posted by the users and approved by the admin will be visible to all the users on the teacher?? testimonials page.

Administration Features
The administrative section is the section of the website that is not visible to the general public and is used by the website owner to manage the website contents themselves. It is often used for the sections of the website that are continuously changing and require frequent modifications.

Teacher Management
Add / Modify / Delete / View / Search Teachers
Add / Modify / Delete / View Teacher?? Images

Testimonial Management
Add / Modify / Delete / View Testimonials
In this management admin can view the entire testimonials which are written by user?? friends and save in this management. Admin can delete these testimonials.

Notice Board Management
Add / Modify / Delete Notices
Calendar Management
Manage Calendar and schedules
Manage Events
Add / modify / delete events
Membership Management
Add / modify / delete Members
Suggestion / Complaint Management
View / modify / delete Suggestions / complaints and post replies accordingly.

Site Content
Clients will provide us with all the content and details; the explanations about the flow of the project and the formulas if any on the site.

Examples: Check for style/functionality guide

Job Type  
Attached Files: N/A

Bids placed

(There are 1 bids on this project, these are listed below)
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