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Excel VBA User Form Development (ID:1054)

Project Creator: Scott Perry
FC Member For 6800 Days
Credits 120
Completed Proj. Num. 3 / 4
Total payment USD 320.00
Avg Daily Online
0.00 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype No
Last Login 6/23/2009
Peers Rating 100.00%
Created: 7/13/2006 9:18:31 PM EST
Reply Time: 7/14/2006 8:50:09 AM EST
Pay Time 7/14/2006 11:07:35 AM EST
Budget: Less than 250
Job Type Visual Basic 
Attached Files: 2006713211819.doc
by installment
Project Description:

I have an Excel spreadsheet containing several tables and I require a UserForm developed in Excel VBA to search for information in one of the tables and insert it into along with some other information entered into the UserForm into another table in the same spreadsheet. I need this project very urg

Provider Info

Provider: zk_deng
FC Member For 6947 Days
Credits 1065
Completed Proj. Num. 57
Bids Won USD 26,505.20
Money received USD 21,785.20
Avg Daily Online
0.28 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype Yes
Last Login 2/21/2019
Peers Rating 96.51%
Bid Time : 7/14/2006 1:55:24 AM EST
Com.Cycle: 1 Days
Agreed Price: 70 $

Buyer's comments on provider

Quality Response Professional Expertise Schedule
5 5 5 5 5
Comments: I have now tested the app with all of the live data that we will be using and it is working really well and performing all of the functions that it is supposed to. You have done a really great job, I am sure it took a lot of hard work and I must thank you for your immense help in delivering this project.

Provider's comments on buyer

Understanding Description Communication Constructive Reliability
5 5 5 5 5
Comments: Nice man to deal with,responsible buyer!

Bids placed

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