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Script needed. Joomla 1.5 Ext. (ID:5595)

Project Creator: sacrificewhat
FC Member For 5848 Days
Credits 20
Completed Proj. Num. 2 / 6
Total payment USD 800.00
Avg Daily Online
0.01 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype Yes
Last Login 4/6/2011
Peers Rating 0.00%
Created: 3/28/2009 2:49:10 PM EST
Reply Time: 3/31/2009 5:48:10 AM EST
Pay Time 3/31/2009 5:48:10 AM EST
Budget: Not Sure/Confidential
Job Type PHP 
Attached Files: N/A
Project Description:

We already have an established website for our tourism business, that was created using Jooma 1.5. However, we need a script developed that will allow our customers to search for availability, and book (pay) online. I want our customers to be able to search our available services using date

Provider Info

Provider: Brisoft
FC Member For 6982 Days
Credits 1038
Completed Proj. Num. 54
Bids Won USD 35,772.00
Money received USD 26,117.00
Avg Daily Online
0.49 h (From 21/5/2007)
Available on MSN/Skype Yes
Last Login 4/6/2023
Peers Rating 94.06%
Bid Time : 3/31/2009 4:58:23 AM EST
Com.Cycle: 1 Days
Agreed Price: 350 $

Buyer's comments on provider

Quality Response Professional Expertise Schedule
1 1 1 1 1
Comments: This review is in regards to Brisoft Software. I am extremely, extremely disappointed with the work that I have done with this company. When we initially began working together, a 10 day period was determined and agreed upon. Upon completing the initial 10 day period, Brisoft asked to have an extension on what they had begun working on us with. We agreed to an extension, and in good faith continued working with Brisoft. After another week of continued apologies and requests for more time on the part of Brisoft, we agreed to issue them a monetary bonus if they could complete the project within the next week. Brisoft agreed, and after completing yet another agreed upon period, it was discovered that Brisoft failed to complete the project. They asked us for more time, but upon much deliberation we decided that we simply could not put our project in the hands of Brisoft as they had failed to deliver what they agreed upon initially. We have been more than agreeable with Brisoft, continuously granting their requests for more time even though we ourselves had deadlines to meet with the project they were supposed to be working on. We even agreed to partially release the payment to Brisoft, upon their request, in order to insure that the project would be completed. Yet again, we were met with excuses and apologies. I am uncertain why Brisoft was unable to perform their end of the bargain, however I can say that the way in which they have acted throughout our interaction with them was absolutely unprofessional and we truly feel that they scammed us not only out of money but time. When we initally set out to work with Brisoft, there were very clear objectives and timelines which had been agreed upon by both parties. Not only did Brisoft ignore these objectives, but they continuously asked for more time and more money in order to complete a project which in the end they were unable to deliver on. I most certainly would not recommend Brisoft to anyone, they did failed us in every capacity they could have. As of now, the project they were working on has yet to be completed, we have wasted weeks of time working with them, and the funds which we released early to them in good faith were lost. Brisoft is a scam and is not worthy of having customers.

Provider's comments on buyer

Understanding Description Communication Constructive Reliability
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