Outsource your projects to China!

Long term vision, ongoing cooperation instead of one-time project, free consultant

for building the cooperation and qualified developer.

Common Provider Information

1Personal information: (A red asterisk * denotes a required field.)

* User name
Note: Your user name will be publicly displayed on this site.
Any personal email address or website is not allowed to be used as user's name.
* Password
Your password must be at least 6 characters
* Confirm password
* Given name
* Family name

2Contact information

* Email address
Note: international mailbox is preferred, such as hotmail or gmail.
MSN Instant Messenger
* Street Address
Street Address 2
* City
* State or Province
* Zip / Postal code
* Country
* Phone Number


Member Photo
* Technique Field
* Experience
.NET C/C++ Java Delphi JSP PHP ASP
Python Flash 3D Javascript Visual Basic Other
Database: SQL Server Oracle Sybase DB2 MySQL Other
I AGREE.  I have read and agree to Freelancerchina.com's Terms of Service & Privacy Policy
Personal information is used by Freelancer ONLY.

(Include country code)